
The Henry danger movie isn’t available in my country just yet but after watching a few clips on TikTok, I’m not so sure how I’m going to insert Thea into the story  


I love your Henry Danger Fic sm, are you gonna write the new movie or just end it on the show?


hi I’m not exactly sure yet. When I have time to watch the movie and if it’s worth it to add Thea there then I will.  


hi sorry for not updating for a month, i just moved into a new university and I’m kinda getting settled in with the assignments and my new routine so, i might not be available for a while. i promise when I have free time, I’ll upload to Sour Patch Kids and How To Get The Girl fanfics. Apologies xx  


@honeyandboundary I honestly can't wait for the musical episode, but take all the time you need. We can wait. Congrats on getting into a university!. Good luck!