
I know I should have said something a while back but I didn't come to the decision until this week. I'm stopping writing Palace of Wolves. I might come back to it in the future but it's just such a mess plot wise and I'd probably have to do some serious rewriting to what I've done.
          	I'm not making any promises but I am planning a new book.


I know I should have said something a while back but I didn't come to the decision until this week. I'm stopping writing Palace of Wolves. I might come back to it in the future but it's just such a mess plot wise and I'd probably have to do some serious rewriting to what I've done.
          I'm not making any promises but I am planning a new book.


I just realised Palace of Wolves turned 1 year old last week! Happy late 1st birthday to Sandra, Patrick, Dora, Ester, Mia, Oscar, Lana, Alex, Meera, Adrian, Josie and anyone I forgot, it doesn't feel that long since I sat writing that first chapter.
          15 chapters doesn't seem much for one year (particularly when I think of what's still to come) but I'm proud of my self for how far I've come and I'm thankful for every comment and vote I've received that's stopped me from becoming disenchanted.


I have some bad news, I have..................writers block!
          I tried writing Palace of Wolves but the second half of the next chapter is just the biggest load of rubbish so I'll consider redoing it. Anyway I have to focus on my art a bit more anyway 


@honeybadger97  don’t worry . everyone gets writers block at one point or an other. we readers will wait.