i already said this in the comments of the first chapter but ill repost here. @ForsakenHuntress im so proud of you and how much you've worked on this. i've never seen anyone work harder on something in my life. it's so clear to see how much you love your work and how passionate you are about it. i've never been so happy and just so emotional over a story in my whole life. maybe its because i've been there with you from the start so i saw the process with my own eyes and contributed every now and again but i'm genuinely so happy for you. you've come so far since beginning this and it's been delightful seeing your improvement overtime. i love seeing how much you truly love your characters and i personally adore them all n have an emotional attachment ngl. i love you so much bbyg and i can't wait to see how big this book gets. everyone please check out @ ForsakenHuntress 's new story Gotham Crows!! direct link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/156351515-gotham-crows-%E2%96%B3-marvel-dc-%E2%96%BD

@waterlillies- well if i wasn't already crying but like i'm so happy i did this even if we both know i will have some mental breakdowns over the fact that school just started and stuff but thank you for this you've been here for the whole ride (in general but this fic in particular) i love you so much