
Hello readers! Since I have already finished Chasing Diana, I decided to do my final edits for the whole story. With that, I have to unpublish for a week or so until i'm through with it to avoid confusion. Then I will republish it here. Thank you for reading! 


Heyy! Thank you for following me. I LUUUUUUV ISLANDS. and i've always dreamt of living at one. Great to meet you.


And the pleasant breeze and the refreshing soil. Forests, plants, birds and freshwater. lol.


You’re welcome! Islands are amazing haha oh the warm waters and the white sand beaches  Great to meet you too :) 


Hello readers! Since I have already finished Chasing Diana, I decided to do my final edits for the whole story. With that, I have to unpublish for a week or so until i'm through with it to avoid confusion. Then I will republish it here. Thank you for reading! 


@wayfaringlostsoul I just love They warned me about you.
          You write like an adept writer. Care to tell the others to read your stories, coz you have that talent, to amaze people with your words. Why were you're wrings not discovered when you write perfectly? 
          P.S. Ipadayun na jud ang The boy under the oak tree :-)


Thank you so much han!! As long as I have readers like you who appreciate my writing then it doesn't matter if it has reached how many views and whatnot! Hehe thank you for the love again. 
            And yep ako na ipadayon!! Also check out fly me to the moon kay short story to sya ako i post after finals x