
          	be back on eid (perhaps)


          help me find a title for that knock knock joke


@hooded_niqxxbi i vill tell you bit JUST a bit on pinterest


new bio... loaded ✌︎


@hooded_niqxxbi ooh, it looks nice!


وكان الشهيد يوما مثلي ومثلك، كان له بيت زيتونة وقلب نابض وروح واحلام لا تنتهي...
          the martyr was once like me & you, he had a house, an olive tree, a beating heart, a spirit & endless dreams...


@hooded_niqxxbi indeed it's heartbreaking to witness this. #freepalestine



Heart-wrenching message from Gaza:
          Peace be upon you,
          This is my final message.
          If you see fit to share it, I would be grateful.
          If we depart, fold away our page forever.
          Tear Palestine from the notebook of your memory, for you no longer need it.
          Tell your friends there was once hope, and then it was extinguished.
          Carry on with your lives as if we never existed—play, drink, eat, take walks, celebrate, dress up, sing, dance, do everything.
          But do not ever look in your mirrors, because if you do, you will see our blood on your faces, our remains in your hands, our screams in your expressions, and our voices as smoke tracing the map of Palestine on your chests.
          When we are gone, tear up the history books, and do not tell your children that there was a people who resisted for seventy-five years without losing hope, before hope itself killed them.
          When we are gone, burn geography. Never tell your children that we had neighbors—Arab Muslims—whose hearts were tied to us in love, but did not understand that sometimes love kills. Do not tell them that borders drawn by the occupier, and ordered for you to guard, were the guillotine that cut the throats of your neighbors, the sword that was plunged into their backs, and the grave they were buried in.
          Do not tell them you were preoccupied with your great achievements—crafting the largest tabbouleh dish, the most magnificent Maqloobe pot, the grandest mansaf with meat, the tastiest koshari dish, and the most wonderful artistic season for dance and song while they were being annihilated alone.
          Celebrate often, for there will be no wailing, no crying, no horrific crimes on your children’s screens that will leave you struggling to answer their questions.
          Organise a grand dinner, and don’t forget the ketchup of our blood, the pepper of our anguish, the juice of our tears, and the mon amour of our screams.
          Your great burden has been lifted, forever.
          — Amal Abu Asi Al-Yazji


            same, it's so heartbreaking 


@hooded_niqxxbi I have no words to say 


صحتنا العقلية مرتبطة،
          لا يمكننا أن نكون بخير عندما يعاني الآخرون.
          اليوم وكل يوم نقف متضامنين مع غزة
          our mental health is connected,
          we can't be okay when others are suffering
          today & everyday, we stand in solidarity with gaza #worldmentalhealthday


Hello! I would be so so so much happy if you gave me a chance and had a look at my story. Hope you like it. Have a nice day!


            heyy! looks interesting, i shall try reading it when i have time