
Rip TC 
          	I’m hurt he was so positive like you couldn’t hate the guy no matter what I’m so sorry for his related and his family and friends they lost someone who didn’t deserve to lose his life.  Terrance was and will be loved by not only me as a fan of his but as family and friends to so many other people  . He had his whole future to go through bro the league and the growing up into a nba legend cuz he had the potential and sadly he can’t  I’m so sorry but I am beyond hurt and I can’t even bare to imagine what people close to him feel right now 
          	Also please pray for Brandon (bj) cuz he was supposedly also in the crash and I hope he’s doing ok because I can’t bare to imagine what he’s going through after the accident and how he’s  basically lost a brother
          	I love  you all please tell the peoples that are important you that you love them cuz  you don’t know what can happen please  stay safe and pray for anyone involved with this terrible situation 


@hooperwifey fr life is so short and you should live it like you cant


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@-HACKERFORVINNIE it really is my heart is so heavy we lose so many people and we don’t even realise that shit like this can happen out of nowhere 


@bradstevensburner yeah I hope so to and all I know is that bj was there but thank you for letting me know 


Rip TC 
          I’m hurt he was so positive like you couldn’t hate the guy no matter what I’m so sorry for his related and his family and friends they lost someone who didn’t deserve to lose his life.  Terrance was and will be loved by not only me as a fan of his but as family and friends to so many other people  . He had his whole future to go through bro the league and the growing up into a nba legend cuz he had the potential and sadly he can’t  I’m so sorry but I am beyond hurt and I can’t even bare to imagine what people close to him feel right now 
          Also please pray for Brandon (bj) cuz he was supposedly also in the crash and I hope he’s doing ok because I can’t bare to imagine what he’s going through after the accident and how he’s  basically lost a brother
          I love  you all please tell the peoples that are important you that you love them cuz  you don’t know what can happen please  stay safe and pray for anyone involved with this terrible situation 


@hooperwifey fr life is so short and you should live it like you cant


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@-HACKERFORVINNIE it really is my heart is so heavy we lose so many people and we don’t even realise that shit like this can happen out of nowhere 


@bradstevensburner yeah I hope so to and all I know is that bj was there but thank you for letting me know 


To anyone who isn't shaking ass you're living your life wrong , it's a form of selflove idc like it's amazing 


@hooperwifey i'd like to say it's therapeutic


@-LILBTCH frfr it makes me confident about my body sometimes 


It's my birthday , lmao finally got there and I'm grateful to live another one 


@hooperwifey ofc gotta support 


happy late birthday 


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Bro at this point I'm not even mad about jalen and his girl like dating and shit but they're so toxic like he can date idc cuz I want him happy and I have nothing against her but how tf y'all gonna break up and shade tf out of eachother and get back together make it make sense like I don't have a problem with her at this point 


Fr tho. Like don’t do all that petty and unnecessary stuff just to be right back with each other. Stop running to social media to say sum.


finally someone gets me thank you!! 


Hey are you doing alight 


@melanincutie_  yeah I replied late aswell so but that's good to hear and if you need to talk to someone about whatever I'm here to listen cuz you listened to me and helped me calm down my stress a lot 


Srry for the late reply you know time difference and everything 
            But that's good and im doing alright 


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Jalen and his girl are back together y'all and I fucking hate it here because of it like I want jalen happy but bruh come on like y'all broke up once started shading eachother and are back like wtf 


@melanincutie_ fr I'm gonna hate jalen if he does like he's changed for the worst and I hate it so bad 


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Now finna go back to be all Hollywood and shit 


@BabyGinny yeah like he commented I love you with hearts and I was like oh bro say they are back together 