
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas, from the bottom of my heart <3


Hey everyone......
          Yes, yes, I'm not dead.
          (Briefly considered faking death but I'm not THAT heartless)
          I've been avoiding Wattpad altogether because of the pressure to update, and it's not working well with all I already have going on in my life. I'm a daughter, sister, friend, leader and student and that's my priority, so I'm sorry to all of you that writing can't cut the list. I still write, of course! Random lines and poems and diary entries - I love writing, I do - it's one of the ways I express myself best. I started writing on Wattpad because I believed stories are meant to be shared, but I don't write well under pressure. Also, I'm 15 with a really important examination this year. 
          Well, so this is why I've been MIA. I needed a break from the pressure, and I apologize for it being a particularly long one. I realize that it was irresponsible of me, but while I love writing, I adore my OC Skylar and Hugo, and Emma, but I started this plot and everything when I was NINE. It's a bit cringeworthy to me right now. I may reconstruct or just try to continue with what I have but I can't and won't ever promise on precise dates. I will give a vague time upon request because I understand as a reader, also, but I won't write to please anyone. I write for Skylar, and I write for the joy of it. 
          I wish all of you the best and hopefully, I'll still see you around. God bless.


@NusratZaima Popular names do sound cool too tho, so it's alright XD


@hopeNfaith520 Of course, It’s also honestly very impressive that you thought of all this when you were nine. I couldn’t even even come up with a unpopular name for my imaginary Ocs-


@NusratZaima I can’t thank you enough, it means so much. Thank you.


Hi everyone! Important announcement to all my readers.
          First of all, I missed you all so much! I haven't been able to log in for ages, because of school and such.
          I know I said specifically when I'd be done editing and update, but so many unforeseen things came up that I've learned to NOT, state specifically. It's just not fair to you all.
          Regrettably, Secrets (my miraculous fanfiction) and Wings (my Winx fanfiction) will both be on hiatus until 8th November when the madness that is exam AND project season will end.
          To be clear, I have invested a lot into my works, especially the plot of Secrets and my OCs in Wings. So I have no plans to discontinue either one, and that's the least I can do for all of you readers who have given me encouragement and support. Love you guys. 
          I'll try to update sometime October, and if I can get things under control and back on track considerably by mid-November I'll be updating more often.
          I hope you all understand that I'm a 14-year-old with a crazy schedule, dangerously on verge of falling too behind on my studies (who's to say I'm not already), as well as an overachiever with a life that's currently a mess. I love how encouraging you all are and would love to get to know you all better because I love you all so much already, and I enjoy knowing that you readers enjoy my work, but writing on Wattpad will always be a leisure, side project for me. It is not the centre of my life, and I don't wanna update because I feel obligated to because it's not gonna be fun and it's not gonna be my best work.
          I'll see you all after the whirlwind of events come to a close mid-November, and I hope that all of you have a great day, a great life, and if you need a friend I'll be here for you. My email is melody13girlonline@gmail.com if you wanna talk! I wish all of you the best from the bottom of my heart.
          Love, Melissa


            when eactly mid november are you updating


@hopeNfaith520 i  understand you i too am having my final exam at scl on octomber 12


Thanks so much for all of the support! If you haven't already, I'd love it if you could check out my account where I keep all of my originals! It's @_surreality :) ❤️
          P.S. The following link goes to places where you can use your voice & resources to help other people in crisis, including but not limited to the #BlackLivesMatter movement and the humanitarian crisis, epidemic, and pandemic currently taking place in Yemen. https://dotherightthing.carrd.co/


Hey you! Person!
          Read all of it! I mean it! 
          If you were murdered I wouldn't be at your funeral...... I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends. 
          We ride together. 
          We die together. 
          Send this to all the people you care about including me. If I get one, thank you. After reading this letter, you must send this to 15 people, including me.
          HYLT_Lisa (Fall)


@HYLT_Lisa Go yo Chrome/Google/Safari (app),go to wattpad.com,log in,click conversations,and voila!


....wait. How do I forward this or something......