
Aloha! I’m back and ready to write! I’m feeling much better and I’ve gotten help witch is good! Also the family issue is all cleared up and the person is healthy and okay so I should be back to updating but I can’t promise anything! Glad to be back 


Aloha! I’m back and ready to write! I’m feeling much better and I’ve gotten help witch is good! Also the family issue is all cleared up and the person is healthy and okay so I should be back to updating but I can’t promise anything! Glad to be back 


Hey guys so the last month or so has been really rough lately with everything that’s been going on in my life including my anxiety disorder and the health of a family member so I’m going to be taking a break from wattpad to clear my head and try to calm down and also help my family through this rough patch. I hope to be back soon but I have no promises as things such as this can be hard to deal with and have no real set time of when everything will clear up. Love you all and hope to see you again soon.