
Hello to all of you beautiful babes who, in my eyes, are the equivalent of royalty.
          	I think I’ll start this off with a simple hi, how’ve you all been? It’s been quite a while since we’ve chatted, hasn’t it?
          	That said, apparently ‘permanent’ isn’t as permanent as I initially intended it to be. It seems that the draw of Wattpad was one I couldn’t escape despite being away for a year (I can’t believe it’s already been that long). I honestly thought I had closed the door on this chapter of my life, but after a conversation with some friends who’ve decided to give Wattpad a chance, I figured I’d dip my toes back in and return to the first home that my writing ever knew. 
          	So here I am, back again.
          	While I’ve been around, I’ve seen all the messages I’ve gotten from y’all, both private and on my message board. That being said, I will be reposting “A Little Like Fate”. By the time you read this, I’m sure that will have already been done.
          	What I said in my last post about not having the motivation to write pertaining to 5 Seconds of Summer however is true - that part of my life really is over. I can’t say the same for writing in general however. My newfound love has settled on the world of Marvel, which is what I intend to post stories about from here on out.
          	If you did decide to unfollow me, I’d completely understand. If you don’t, I’d be more grateful than you’d know. Each and every one of you made my experience on Wattpad one that I was able to look back on with a smile. I’m happy to say I’m returning with that very same smile and I can’t wait to dive right back into this world with all of you.
          	- Caroline xx


Although I'm bummed that you probably won't finish 'Roots' ( I loved that story) I'm so glad that you're back. You're one of my favorite writers on here and I can't wait for more of your work <3. I'm so happy that you decided to give this site another shot. Love you ✨✨✨.  


ALLF has to be one of the best stories I've ever read. Thank you so so so much for reposting it and welcome back!

