
Hey how did you guys spend Valentines Day?
          	I had a date with quarantine and can’t go out with my friends tomorrow T-T
          	Did you have any traditional or routines yesterday?


@MissMiraculer the same as you but I don't bother anyone lol.


Hey how did you guys spend Valentines Day?
          I had a date with quarantine and can’t go out with my friends tomorrow T-T
          Did you have any traditional or routines yesterday?


@MissMiraculer the same as you but I don't bother anyone lol.


Nach Schule und Klausurphase erstmal schön Zuhause warm einkuscheln und Filme reinziehen:D
          Wünsche euch frohe Feiertage, verbringt eine schöne Zeit und bleibt gesund!


@MissMiraculer Happy Holidays to you too! I hope you find the warmth you miss <3


@Braidzella Yeah I’m back, just not active now:) I explained it all in the last post if you haven’t read it yet:)


*rises from the dead*
          Umm … hi!
          Soo … I’m back from dead! Well, there’s a lot on my mind I want to say and I think some of you guys have been wondering what the hell happened to me and normally I’m not the type of person to open up to anything, but since no one knows me here in real life, I guessed "eh why not?"
          And I also feel like I owe you all an apology for my sudden disappearing. So to clarify:
          A lot has been happening to me in the last year, a lot …
          I’ve been going through some tough times in my life and it affected a lot of my mental health. Plus, school and 'friends' weren’t exactly helping me …
          I deleted all my stories here, because I thought they were worthless anyways and I never got the motivation to work on it again too.
          But going through that time, I realized that I was pushing myself too hard just for the others benefits and I was asking myself: Damn what do I want? Why should I do something I don’t want to, just so they could be fine?
          It was a hard decision for me, but it was the best decision I’ve ever made so far!


@MissMiraculer waittt.. I just realised it was around 5:50 am you posted this whhaaaa- 


@MissMiraculer yes! That's the spirit gurlll!


*Part 2*
          So now that I put it all behind, I’m in college now and try to study hard to make it (wow time flies fast!) Of course there has been (and still are) some ups and downs and I sometimes asked myself if I made the right decision at this point and I respond: Do you feel lighter now? And I do!
          My situation has quiet down but a part of it is still there, but I feel like it’s easier to overcome it now than before and I feel much better than before, now that I have a goal I want to achieve!
          Now for everyone who thinks I gave up writing:
          I haven’t.
          I love writing but I deleted all my stories bc those were only ffs and I kinda grew out of that. Instead I’ve decided to publish originals from now on because I have a lot of stories I wanna bring to life here but don’t get your hopes up now!⚠️
          It’s all just WIP at the moment and I want to focus on my studies first (I have a life to keep together ya know)
          So if you read all of this above, here’s a cookie
          Thank you all for reading this and for your understanding I hope.
          And if you ever feel like you are obligated to someone or you need to neglect your needs and focus on others remember:
          YOU are living YOUR life, not someone else’s!!
          Don’t try to keep up with the others but focus on your time for yourself. You deserve it!
          Thank you and I love you all!✨✌


@MissMiraculer <3333 and I get that cookie lol.. you did the right thing sis! I'm so glad! I wanted to tell you this long ago but didn't also wanted to make you stressed so I avoided. Trust me, it pained! literally everytime I would visit your IG profile too and see it all empty and your user with the word 'hopeless'. But rn I very happy!


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