Hello :D
So I'm announcing this really quickly because I want you guys to be aware that I might not always be posting my chapters consistently. I'm going to remove a few books and in exchange I am starting 2 new books- one is the MLB fanfic that I'm creating, inspired off of a tiktok pov I saw, and the other is my Jungkook fanfic that I teased on my tiktok. If you don't already follow me on tiktok, my @ is panda_in_the_bathroom
I will be alternating between updating each fanfic, so for example, I'd spend one week writing the chapter for the JK one and at the end of the week I'll post the new chapter and then the next week I'd work on the MLB one and post it- Does that make sense? LMAO- anyways that's basically what I wanted to say. I hope you guys will be looking forward to it! Thanks <3