
No one will  see this but thanks for 300 followers!


Your profile picture tho capndesdes all day 


@riothepuppyissocute nice to see somebody else like us! and @AmazingHiccup OMG! Where are you from? and if had to pic one i would pic Dan because he is that dorky dark potato...


@riothepuppyissocute I guess I know :) I also love Portugal not only because its my country but also 'cause we have a lot of cool stuff here live monuments, beachs and food <3 but sometimes i feel like nothing really happens here...


@RitaHofferson you seem to know it pretty well. aLso that's cool. I love Portugal


@riothepuppyissocute I'm the real leftout here... I'm portuguese, we don't even talk english here ;(


I haven't watched lots of from Tyler or Markiplier but I used to be a super gigant fan of Pewdiepie (I still am but now I'm more in the Phandom) and it's really nice to find someone with the same taste of mine ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ Which of them you perfer? Dan or Phil?


@RitaHofferson MAKING SOMEONE OF THE PHANDOM CHOOSE HUH?!?! The answer is. I can't. But if i HAD to, it would be my silly Philly :P (Im obsessed with Tyler, Dan and Phil, Smosh, and Troye (MY MOM GOT ME TICKETS THIS MORNING TO SEE HIM IN CONCERT!!!!)


@RitaHofferson hi. I'm like you also. And The choice is so hard. I guess Phil is the little cinnamon roll and Dan is the hot social awkward nerd.


Hey! I just wanted to say that I love you stories (especially the Nerd and the Bad boy, which I hope you'll update soon) and also I love Dan and Phil too!!! They are the cutest and sexiest dorks ever <3
          Please update the Nerd and the Bad boy as soon as possible, I need to know what is going to happen!
          Thanks and See ya' 


@RitaHofferson Aw thanks! Its awesome to see more people in both the httyd fandom and Phandom!!! Im in love with many other YouTubers too, like, Tyler Oakley (whom I've met), Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, PewDiePie, Smosh (I love Ian <3), HoodiePanda, MattShea, and many more! so I hope you'll stick around!


I cant believe that your account is very phan (i luv it tho) but theres not even one story about phan. not that im judging you but yi.
          looking forward to read your stories thoo :D


@xCupOfCoffee Me and my best friend are writing a phanfic together! So stay tuned! (And yes, I am very much Phan! Thank you so much for the sweet compliment!)