Hey guys! Sorry for the hiatus for a long time. I just graduated high school! I'll try to be more active when it comes to writing one shots and the skydoesgoldsorcererlox book as well.
But for now, I made a new one shot! I posted it a couple days ago but I wasn't sure if anyone saw it get posted so I'm announcing it. I definitely enjoyed writing it and I hope you guys enjoy it too!
The book is called "The Awkward Phone Call". It's a short one shot about Setosorcerer and deadlox. I'm thinking about making one shots into their own personal stories when I get ideas instead of putting them in an entire book together. Let me know what you think! I'd love to hear what you guys want more in the future. I really like updating the stories for you guys.
So go check out my new one shot and tell me what you think!
Until next time, hope out!