

Hi, there! Hoping not to bother you, yet I felt like dropping a quick request to you. 
          Specifically, I've started a book called, "Cherishing The Nonpareil Existence", as fanfiction about BTS. 
          If you could spare your moment to check it out, that'd be highly appreciated and if you choose not to, that's also acceptable. I merely had a thought in mind. 
          Thank you! Have a pleasant day :) 


@JazminBilalHashmi Hey dear, whenever I will have time I'll make sure to check it out. I am just not free now a days


@hopemany No problem, take your time! :) 


The last time I posted announcement on this account's message board was in March. It's been a year and I am here to post another announcement!! 
          Well, firstly if someone don't know then I am Ivna. My first account is @ivna_junv. 
          Now, I am going to publish an award book today. And I am also thinking of writing a writer's tip and something like this story since many people have asked me about writing tips and all. In that book, I'll also read some stories and review them. Not their plot or anything since every plot is unique in its own way. Instead, I'll give reviews on how they can improve their writing. 
          I am not a professional myself but I think I still can help and tell people not to do the mistakes I did when I started writing. What do you all think about this? 
          Other than that, how are you all?