
Just started a oneshots book because I fell in love with another ship smh -T and Kokichi


Tw: rant (by Kokichi and Nagito) [The struggles of being an open system online]
          I dont think I'll ever fully understand the people in this thing they call a 'fandom' for our D.I.D base. Yes, I know what Danganronpa is. I'm aware of my situation. I know who I am. I know who I live inside of. I know it's hard for our host.
          But it seems like people cant ever leave our character bases alone. People calling me a nazi? People sending death threats to my host because me and Nagito are dating in the headspace? 
          It's strange because if an alter finds love in another alter everyone seems to freak out. No, our Nagito is not a p3dophile. I am 19- turning 20 in next June. Izuru doesn't like me very much, and Hajime hates me even more. T just stays distant from everyone in the headspace other than Nagito, so all I have to talk to is him.
          T is trying his absolute hardest to keep us all safe and healthy in their mind, and it's not like they can just walk away from this fandom we're from. They find comfort in writing, and expressing different views on everything about it. Shes had enough. -Kokichi
          I just don't get people cant understand: WE ARE OUR OWN PEOPLE. WE JUST SHARE A BODY. Me and Kokichi make our OWN DECISIONS. Stop attacking the host. I willingly, and he willingly is in love with me. And I love him. Nothing can change that. 
          Kokichi had to experience period cramps for the first time. He fronted while T was having period cramps. He screamed for hours- we were even almost taken to the hospital because he had to feel that. It's difficult being in a system. Hell, I've even seen people give death threats to other systems for having Haji Towa as an alter. THEY CAN'T HELP THAT.  Leave systems alone, we dont need your offended input. It's hard to eat certain food, get dressed in the morning, know how to handle the body, school, etc. We're just trying to have fun online, not be harassed by millions of people who get overly sensitive due to a literal video game. -Nagito


OhMyLord— I'm very sorry to hear that, uhm, I'm not really good with comforting words but I Hope you all are Okay and Well. It must've been though to you guys. If you guys want someone to talk to and not judge you all, I'm free— I'm not that much of a judgemental person, so it's alright—


((Oh gosh, I didn’t really know what struggles a system goes through online since I’m not very, uh, informed(?) about them. But I hope you all are okay! ^^))


this message may be offensive
The fact Makoto and Nagito have the same Eng. voice actor, talent, jacket design (kind of), shower scene, both were brainwashed, and if you rearrange Naegi's full name and add like 2-3 letters to it it spells Nagito Komaeda.... is fucking amazing. #komanaegiistotallycanon/hj -T


@ hopesystem  'naegi makoto da' means I am makoto neagi and when you rearrange it it makes nagito komaeda ^^


So I've been thinking of a few ideas lately because of some strange things happening in my life lately. My alters are all very very tired from taking care of the body for a week or two without my help whatsoever, so I'm going to try and give them a break. I have about 2 Danganronpa OCs, and I'd like to make a book about them. But I'd also like to have multiple people's OC's in the book as well. I'd imagine it wouldn't do well with reads, but me and my friends would enjoy it anyways! Let me know if you have an OC idea that you'd like me to add into the story. (Backstory, Name, Info, family, etc)!


@komaedaclouds as much I want to read your books, I think you also need a break along with your alters, just for a day or two. TvT Just don't stress yourself— I care for your health m8—
            Also about the OC thing, I could send my Oc's drawing in discord if I ever make one and not lazy— QwQ