I finished reading The Codeine Scene yesterday, and I'm feeling really luck to have had a chance to bump into your story. I read all the chapters in one day, and I really wanted to not have to stop reading anymore, ever. I'm completely in love with your characters, and the simplicity with which things happen, even though they hold enormous meaning and complexity.
And, of course, I love your version of Andrew. I've been reading some stories with him as a character, and your Andrew is the closest to the Andrew I like to imagine. My favorite one, by far.
Anyway, I've been too long here, hahaha. I just want to congratulate you on the story, and thank you for sharing it with us.
I read your comment about an abusive relationship, and I'm hoping you're doing fine. Take your time, take care of yourself, I'll be here waiting. We all will be.
With love, Heloisa.
(I'm sorry if the message is too confusing, I'm Brazilian, and my English is no big deal, hahah).