
I just posted a new story. It's been a whole year ;) I feel like this one is pretty good. Please check it out and tell your fellow wattpad friends about it. Appreciate the support if I could get any.


Chapter twelve of The Remembrance is out with more action, characters, and a whole new seething that will last the rest of the book.
          For all those who have not read it. The Remembrance is my top book right now and I'm fairly sure my readers enjoy, since they have already made it past chapter one
          Thanks to all the supporters out there who vote and read it willingly. The one thing I'm missing is ways to fix it. I know my grammar is bad, so i don't need much of that. What I need is good old facts like, 'This needs help' or 'this was very good.' I need more commentary in order I know what to fix. 
          Thank you once again to all those who vote and view it for the enjoyment not to be nice. I'm not writing this book to look good, but to hopefully help me in writing and becoming a well established author.
          And if you made it this far in my note, I will tell you that next week I will slow down because right now I'm on spring break and have all this time to write. 


I know I have been updating a whole bunch lately. I would just like to say I will slow down now. 
          Please if you enjoyed the book share it. My goal is 5000 views, 125 votes, and 30 comments by the time I finish typing!!
          The only way I can get this is by you guys' willingness to help. If you guys want me to do the same to you, I will. Thanks for everything! ^_^