Hello..... I know its been a while. A very long time to say the least. Some of you may have gotten the updates of Winter Wonderland. I just removed some of the author's notes that wasn't anything crazy.
BUT I do have good news!! I'm finally feeling inspired to write and am currently working on this story again! I would love to finish this book by the end of the year as it is a holiday themed story. I know the story may not be as good as I had it planned it be back in 2020, but I know a lot of you liked the story and wanted to see how it plays out. The NEXT chapter should be coming in a few days!!!
Now, for New Angel. I truly still love that story and the plot I had played out for it. I pout so much effort into listening to HBW and noting how the songs would fall into the storyline so I don't want it to all go to waste. I'm hoping one day I can get back into it. I feel if I start writing Winter Wonderland it will allow me to freshen up my (already below average) writing to help make New Angel that much better and give you updates.
Hope you all are doing well and I will post an announcement when Chapter 10 of WInter Wonderland will be posted.