
Cancer can be cured by vinegar and-oh were running out of time.
          	-dragoon 2060 or smthn
          	Dras bloon has the ability to cure cancer
          	What if Morgan is a techno Stan from the future


Cancer can be cured by vinegar and-oh were running out of time.
          -dragoon 2060 or smthn
          Dras bloon has the ability to cure cancer
          What if Morgan is a techno Stan from the future


Worlds best New Years resolution
          You MUST start at 00:00 on jan 1. The resolution is to always sleep before midnight. Now that it’s broken as soon as it started, you can continue having no charecter development
          I used it myself and can officially say it worked and I have had 0 charecter development? I am well on my way to dying of my hamartia.


I wanted to test typing with my eyes closed 
          3 2 1
          P there liriejomw is not. Macaroni with the chicken nwfes. Howl e or, k, rimmimg pojt of kdeas and oce fprflgtem what. A ukejnlads.
          P,so .
          Let,@“,’ damn rap
          I t 
          Ole tjos9, mist hejisessotmwjere w
           ThI leis are at tusk 


Not that bad.
            My favouring
            Ge gi me of day is September because that’s when sxnool, steers.