
7K+ word Niall update soon... its been 6 weeks tomorrow... actually dying... but worth it, hopefully ? praying i post before the 7th week or at least the 8th... I can’t do two months, it’s too much.. love you all xxx


hi lovies, just posted for Niall Horan fan fiction so y’all who follow me for Niall, I’ve stayed up a whole two hours for you, so feel loved :’) but I’m gonna go because it’s nearly 12 and I’m meant to be up at 3/4am (let’s see) GOOD NIGHT or good morning idk just gudday 


hi lovies. third part of the ‘more’ series is posted and there will be a fourth! also posted ‘hey angel’ yesterday! it’s 2am and I should be asleep as I have exams to revise for... tragic. but anyways hope you’re doing well. send requests because I haven’t had any in a while and I miss them. okay I’m gonna shut up now bye x