wow ok so I basically thought I was done with this account but I guess people actually want me to update my story and I loved writing for you guys so I guess I'll start writing again.
wow ok so I basically thought I was done with this account but I guess people actually want me to update my story and I loved writing for you guys so I guess I'll start writing again.
hey duckies. I just wanted to thank you all for reading my books but I also wanted to let yall know that I might not be updating for a few days. This morning I found out one of my favorite coaches who I am very close to passed away around 11 last night due to stomach cancer. I'm really upset right now and I just need to unplug from social media and let everything process by myself because whenever I get on any social media there's post after post about him and I just can't handle it right now. Please pray for his family and his little boy who now has no mother or father. I hope to see you all soon. If there's anything you would like to say or ask me I am happy to answer all questions and reply. Just message me. Thanks for understanding. xoxo
Tbh you can message me ideas for my story cause I have writers block and it's bad af on my story "Double Personalities" So if you wanna come on down to my DM's come on down. Slide right in tha DM's like a baseball player. Speaking of which Baseball season is starting and holy shit. But yeah hmu! Thanks duckies! Keep reading, voting, commenting< I'll reply, being a bab cause ik you are
Does anyone like my story Surprising Love? I might delete it if no one likes it cause I don't think anyone does...please let me know if you do like it because if you do I'll keep writing!!!!! Thanks Duckies!
Im working on chapter 2 for Crawling Back, my new story. If you haven't read it already...what are you waiting for?!? GO CHECK IT OUT! And if you want me to update Double Personalties or Surprising Love go read the Authors Notes on the last chapters to see what has to happen for those updates! See yah later duckies!