TANGERINE READERS: I've gathered all my written notes... do you have any suggestions, ideas or dreams you would like to see projected within the Tangerine world? Let me know NOW, while the entire story from beginning to beyond is still open to all possible changes! ;)
@jhill1976@MrsNiamPoran Yes, thank you both! I needed to take a step back from the online world for a while, but I haven't stopped working on the story and more information is coming soon! - Jen
Here in 2025 cuz I’m late to the Tangerine party
I hope you’re well and that you haven’t lost your love for writing, the book was amazing!! Hoping you decide to release part 2 sometime soon!
I'm here for the same thing as everyone else. I do hope you're okay and feeling well, but I am BEGGING you to update fftb. Its soo good yet its been left on such a cliffhanger.
Hey Jen, just checking in to see how your doing. I noticed you haven't updated in a hot minute. Hope everything is going well with you. Talk to you soon hopefully.