
Just changed my username. I used to be @fruitycumsock. For those who loved the username I apologize for changing it but it needed to be done. R. I. P. MY DEAR OLD USERNAME. 


Does anyone know any books for any fandom that has an Asian faceclaim? I haven't seen a single book with an Asian faceclaim and it has me going crazy how I haven't managed to find a good book with an Asian faceclaim. Don't get me wrong I don't mind other race faceclaims but I seriously haven't seen Asian representation and it bothers me a little as I am Asian myself. 



Anyone know how to like make my eyes not dry? Do I gotta like uh splash water in my eye or something? No, I don't have eye drops. 


a wet wash cloth over your eyes helps bring out the moisture bc it takes the heat out! that’s what i always do if i don’t have eye drops


this message may be offensive
You know how when you cry your eyes get red? Yeah, I just had a fucking mental breakdown that lasted like 30 minutes and my parents came home not too long after I stopped crying. Idk how but my eyes managed to stop being red sooo... Yeah, my parents didn't find out I cried! Yipee, I guess.. Anyways, have a good night/day! My dinner is like coming in a little and let me just tell you I'm starving right now. Peace out ( ͡°³ ͡°)♡


@Fruitycumsock your welcome Bliss. Thanks but I'm not the best, it's just how I am I guess


@Kashu11 Yep, I'm okay. I'm thankful of you for your kind words. Really, you are the best :) 


@Fruitycumsock Awww I'm sooooooo sorry Bliss for the late reply, I'm here for you and I'm sorry for having no one to lean on when you cried, I hope you are okay now. :)