
also, I've noticed that the names in the story are mixed up and are currently being fixed. basically
          	The protagonist in the story is named Robyn, not Phillis. And hopefully nothing else is messed up, but if so, let meh knoe. ✌


Hello follow fellowers..
          fellow followers fallow follorfellers
          I know it's literally been months and months since the last time I updated, and the reason for that is because I had kind of lost my interest in Draco with just any girl and had began to obsess over him and Astoria. So then without thinking, I decided to be an ass and stop without even say anything and im sosososo sorry BUT,
          because their are actually a whole lot of you STILL here after me even getting rid of my Wattpad app, STILL waiting for me to update, I will try to as soon as possible to do so because believe me, I HATE it when an author does something as evil as that. I mean come on that's almost as bad as murder amirite¿¿
          so yah. just a heads up. and if I really feel like I can't continue at some point, believe me I will let you know along with a huge apology and a complementary cyber hug. 
          bye y'all