
Happy New Year!
          	May 2019 bring only good things and may you achieve everything you set your heart to!
          	I know I haven't delivered many stories in 2018, (the degree is getting harder each year); but I do have a few stories cooking in the oven that I'm hoping to share with you once finals season is over 
          	Here's to an amazing year with new and exciting stories! ❤️


Happy New Year!
          May 2019 bring only good things and may you achieve everything you set your heart to!
          I know I haven't delivered many stories in 2018, (the degree is getting harder each year); but I do have a few stories cooking in the oven that I'm hoping to share with you once finals season is over 
          Here's to an amazing year with new and exciting stories! ❤️


If I Let You Know… just reached 300K reads!!! 
          I am sorry to be the annoying person that posts a thank you message everytime, but I have trouble believing this! I remember how excited I was when it reached 100 reads! lol
          Thank you so much for everyone who's read the story, everyone who commented, voted and/or followed me, I am beyond grateful!!
          Now that summer's here and I am officially two years away to becoming a doctor, I will take the awaited free time to continue writing Walking in the Wind and to work on some new stories… which you can expect around in September!
          Thank you again for everything, hope you all have a lovely summer! 
          All the love as always, xx. ♥️


@hotel-californiall Congratulations!!! We are waiting eagerly for your stories!


          I genuinely can't believe it!! Thank you, thank you, thank you !! ♥️♥️
          Now the main message is out, I'm going to give you a little update of my life and this profile so you know what to expect:
          January was 100% dedicated to my 1st semester finals, which I passed; and from February on my life has been the roller coaster Zayn talked about, yet it hasn't been as amazing because it's had a few very bad downs.
          On the other hand, I went to see Harry last week and I'm STILL TRYING TO RECOVER FROM THAT.
          I do have a story in the oven, with the first few chapters already cooking and I was wondering if you'd like me to share it with you. I also have another idea for those of you who love Nictoria but as always I'm a mess and hate to choose so I leave it up to YOU. PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
          Thank you again and again and again to all 500 of you now following me, and to those of you who read my stories.
          Love you all xx ♥️


Thank you!!!  Harry was unbelievable! Hope you’re good and best of luck with those finals ! 


@hotel-californiall Congrats Giji! Great job on your finals! I’m battling a bunch right now lol. Ahh.
             Would love more Nictoria. They are so cute! 
            Also, you got to see Harry you lucky duck! Bet it was awesome!


O M G 
          IYLMK is at 100K!!!  That means at least half the people  who read the first part wanted to know more! I can't believe you kept on giving my writing a chonce (I know, what is this, 2015?)
          Thank you soooo much for your votes, comments and lovely messages, I've been away because of exams but I am now coming back so expect the ending of Walking in the Wind around next month 
          Again, thank you so much for reading my stories. It really means the world to me ❤️ 


@hotel-californiall  Congrats Giji! Well deserved 100K!


@elenagarcu aprende a mencionar y luego me contestas, que menos mal que existen las notificaciones lol ❤️ 