
          	I am deleting my books and I am going to start anew. Lately, I haven't been updating and have lost a lot of inspiration because of some events. For the new books, I will be trying to update more regularly and have balanced stories (x readers etc.).
          	Thank you, from Cat.


          I am deleting my books and I am going to start anew. Lately, I haven't been updating and have lost a lot of inspiration because of some events. For the new books, I will be trying to update more regularly and have balanced stories (x readers etc.).
          Thank you, from Cat.


Hewo people of earth it is me the smol forgotten thumb nail I just wanted to say that this writer is amazingly AWESOME !!! 
          P.s. make sure to follow me I'm desperate......ANYWAY KEEP WRITING U ARE AMAZING 
          Be happy not crappy lifes a b***h dont quite- Jonnie Gilburt


Thanks for following me! (I followed you back by the way ;)) I was wondering if you could check out my new story Fiore high, it's a fairy tail x reader fanfic set in a magic school. Hope you can read it! Btw your profile pic of Zeref is so adorable! He's my favourite character.


@purpleAWESOMENESS20 no problem, btw thanks for following me back. I'll check your new story out, I bet it'll be awesome! And, Zeref is also my favourite character, I saw the picture on the internet, and decided to use it.