
Hey, so I know not a lot of people really follow me that anyway but for those of you that do I probably won't be posting here anymore. It just doesn't feel like a good place for me right now. 
          	I've just had absolutely shitty writers block lately and I just don't think Wattpad is the place for me.
          	If I know you and you still want to keep in touch, shoot me a message or something and I'll give you my discord ig.


Hey, so I know not a lot of people really follow me that anyway but for those of you that do I probably won't be posting here anymore. It just doesn't feel like a good place for me right now. 
          I've just had absolutely shitty writers block lately and I just don't think Wattpad is the place for me.
          If I know you and you still want to keep in touch, shoot me a message or something and I'll give you my discord ig.


Hey, what should I write my next story/post on? I've got a few ideas so I'll list them. Feel free to request something. 
          If I've got the energy and know what it is, maybe I'll do it.
          ◇ The Warrior Cats Universe [Possible Art]
          --->Ship Art/Story
          ◇ Harry Potter Oc stuff [Possible Art]
          ◇ Little oc info dumps and drawings
          ◇ Something silly for my birthday tomorrow
          ◇ Detroit: Become Human - Gavin Reed and Rk900
          ◇ Short story writing prompts
          ◇ Sad story for Opportunity [  ;w;  ]
          ◇ Suggestions??? Other???