
my fuckass sister decides to run my name everywhere. GIRLL SHE LITERALLY MAKES RUMOURS ABOUT ME?? IM HER LITTLE SISTER BRUUUU


help guys why do i always pull an all nighter when im having a sleepover at my bsfs house. like she’s not even awake she fell asleep 4 hours ago‼️also my phone is on like 28% and theres no charging port where i am and i have cripling social anxiety so i cannot get up and i have constant fear im doing smth wrong and i dont want to do that thats embarrassing. also i feel like my bsfs mum doesnt rlly like me but im not sure it might just be because im awkward around her. even though ive been best friends with this girl for 10 years and i’ve known her mum for 10 years too and i come round alot im just still so awkward omll. she also kept pushing me to eat loads. i did eat till i was full but she said i hadnt eaten enough. i cant tell if she thinks im being ungrateful. im not obvs im very grateful its just i might seem it because im so awkward 


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another update-im home but i had to fo home w no socksand then i had to go to my brothers friends party bcz my dad had to go there as you cant leave your child there on their own and there was this guy in my year and bare in mind i was at my bsfs and i fell asleep waking up at 11:42 and i had to leave at 12 so i couldnt brush my teeth(i have now but it was gross)i hadnt done my hair,i didnt have any makeup on and my outfit was shit


guys update my phone went to 10% and i managed to sneak in my charger  i also rlly need to piss and i have ever since 6pm or sum. i hate peeing at others houses so ill wait till i go home alsooo like why did i just lose one of my socks and can only find one . i only brought one pair of socks..