i think it’s completely normal to feel mixed about liam’s passing. recently, his ex, maya henry, opened up about the abuse and toxicity of her relationship with liam. i wasn’t a massive fan of liam, but i grew up with one direction. i was 5 years old when one direction became a band and i was there from the day they were formed — but after hearing about the person he is behind cameras, i can’t help but feel conflicted on how to express my emotions.
yes, liam clearly suffered with mental health — but that does not excuse his behaviour towards not only maya, but the fans he took advantage of. it’s unforgivable and it does not just disappear because of his death. his victim(s) will never truly get that sense of closure. they won’t know what true justice feels like.
it was clear he needed help, it was clear he was turning into someone very distant from the liam a lot of us grew up with. it just slaps you in the face, that reality hitting you that we don’t actually KNOW this man. we don’t know any of them.
i stand with maya henry and if you don’t, you are not welcome here.
these feelings CAN coexist. remember that. you can be both sad and angry.
rest in peace liam.