          	Check out this wonderful, talented author. Especially recommend if you're into the werewolf genre. 


Your works are amazing Masha Allah! I noticed you haven't been active on wattpad. How are you doing? Will you complete your remaining  works? Can you add aesthetic pics to books as it would give the historic vibes using ai.Keep up with these magnificent works❤


As someone, whose been admiring and studying the Abbasid caliphate for the last five years, I am crazy happy to find someone, who dedicates their writing to the history of the Middle East as well. I wish you all the best and can't wait to have more time to start reading your books.


Hey, buddy! 
          If you're a mere acquaintance, or a friend... it doesn't matter. I just wanted to let you know that you are amazing and really really talented. I wish I could be more like you. You are amazing and I just wanted to remind you that. I hope we talk more often and you share your worries with me, so I can help in solving them for you. Just remember, whenever you feel let down and wanna give up, I am there to back you up.  I am there when you feel lonely, so just drop in a message if you need someone to talk to.
          Have an amazing day! 