Assalamu alaikum! I can’t believe I still get requests about ‘Boys? Ew’ to be republished; it’s been almost a decade since I wrote it! But, on popular demand, it has been republished in its original form— enjoy! :) For those who are still active & following along, despite my unexpected (dis)appearances— thank you <3 In the spirit of giving back, what’s something you would like to read from me?

@how-about-no waalaikumslm masyaallah ive been holding on for so long for this masterpiece to be accessible again. Tq so much. But please if you are publishing it as ebook/hardcopy please let us know. Would love to support u

@how-about-no Walikumussalam! It is one of my favourites! Thank you so much! I have been waiting for it for so long! Will definitely reread it soon In Sha Allah! ❤️