
@lukeismyidiot for sureee 


Life as Jasmine 
          Chp1. JASMINES POV^^ I finished unpacking my boxes as I heard a slam! I turned around to see a tall red head hippie looking girl with a smile from ear to ear she ran in. "Hi I'm Hope!" I smiled as a 'hi'. She put her box down we unpacked silently suddenly she ask me "do you like any like magcon guys like cameron dallas or stuff..?" She asked shyly. I smid big "OMG Matthew !! I love him do much " she smiled I looked down as I hung my last shirt.. "What's wrong?" She said in a little girl voice. "I we'll.. Uh.. When I was little" I finally said. "I was seperated by my whole family... I live with my adopted well USED too live with my adopted parents.." (BTW THEY ARE IN COLLEGE NOW) I frowned a tear rolled down my cheek. "They abuse me.." I covered my face in embarrassment she looked me and ten down she got up and awkwardly hugged me. She changed the subject . HOPES POV^^  i felt bad I really did she started talking I listened she said "matts is the reason I'm alive if not I wouldn't be here" she the showed me her scars I gasped there's was vertical ones ones that said 'Matt' there's was hearts I was devistated to see such self harm.