
@MileyStuart78  I'm from Bangladesh


Hey, I saw you in the "Poetry" club and saw that your avatar was an anime character, so I had to click!
          My name is Caitlin, and I totally love anime. We seem to have a bit of different tastes (you go more for action, I'm more for romance) all though since your a boy and I'm a girl, it's some-what natural, I guess.
          Though, I do really like FMA.
          I just figured I'd say hi and we could talk and stuff. I was also wondering if you'd be willing to read some of my poetry, I could really use some feedback. :) (And votes, of course, if you like it!) 
          So,  if you'd like to talk i'd love to. :)


          I've been playing ten years, but only began to live up to my potential in the last year and a half; i was stuck in book reading for so long. Now I'm beginning to see the piano as an extension of my hands, and can easily create.
          If you can play that well in  just three months, you will be amazing in no time! Do you play any other instruments?


@LoVeR1  well I used to watch the anime but I stopped. It was too long. I don't think I'll be able to help you. But still feel free to ask about it
          Do you read the Naruto Manga? I used to read it on mangafox but they removed it from there. Did they remove it from onemanga too? Do you know where I can read it?