[Tuesday; 1 March, 2022; 9:46 PM] IM SO HAPPYYYYYYYYYYY It doesn't feel like I was ever depressed and all. Like, looking back at it, all those thoughts suddenly feel foreign. Like don't get me wrong, I kinda of remember the dark place I was in, but it doesn't feel like I can recall the exact emotion I went through. I feels like I've fought and I've won. HAVE I WON? OHMYGOD- AAAAAAAND I REALLY NEED TO MEND MY LOVE LIFE FR LIKE DUDEEEEE MY CRUSH JUST LOOKS AT ME AND I SIMP THIS ISN'T HEALTHY BEHAVIOUR I'm in college now, and it's better than what I expected. Tiring, but better. :) I'm just glad I'm in a better space now :D

@howto_live I'm happy for you. remember that, even though you don't know all of us, there are people on here, including me, who really care for you. Fighting, sis!