I will just straight tell you. If I don't like you,I may end up being the meanest person you know. If I do like you, I may end up being one of the kindest people you know. If I trust you or Love you, you are gonna see a bit of all of me. The good, the bad, the emotional, the longing to be somewhere better than here, and definitely you would end up understanding why I do the things I do. I'm not selfish. I just can't stand ever having a friend who doesn't get me even though they've heard my background story over a thousand times. This is to my FTM friend. I didn't call you your dead name, first off. Second off, I was talking to myself. You've known me since elementary school and you know I don't discriminate or make others feel bad. And I always try to call people what they would like to be called. I disagree with the way teachers still call you your dead name. I myself cannot pronounce the new name.correctly. so I call you seb. Dont let a 8+ years friendship go because you think I called you your dead name. Thanks.