So, I've been nominated for the 10 things that make me happen challenge by stellaandstories (thanks babe❤️) and here they are!
1. reading Harry Potter. that's my first fandom man, how can I not be happy reading them?
2. laughing with my best friends (stellaandstories nikitawhut leahletterhos)
3. going to see a movie I've been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for (Avengers 2? So excited!)
4. looking at the stars with people I love
5. sitting on the roof with my thoughts
6. when cute boys look at me
7. when people say my name. I'm not sure why, but I love that Human To Human thing where they say your name at the beginning of a sentence
8. writing. duh
9. going to the mall. I may be a nerd, but I'm a well dressed nerd
10. putting on sweatpants at the end of a long day and curling up with some tea, a book or TV show, and my puppy