
IM NOT TRUSTING MYSELF WHEN I SAY IM GONNA PUBLISH A CHAPTER NO MORE  this writer’s block is literally the worst i’ve had.


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I really like your Tommy Shelby story. It is nice to find Tommy Shelby story where he isnt this womanizing asshole. I think if Grace’s story never happened the way it did In the show tommy would’ve been faithful and a “good”husband (as much as you can as a gangster) 
          Wasn’t a fan of Grace but I like your spin of her too. 
          Thank you b 


Hi,how are you? I just wondering when will you update your story? I really love your tommy Shelby book so much!!!!!! I kept reread the story, really enjoyed it..... can't wait for your next chapter!!


hello !! im doing fine! thank u so much for waiting for an update and appreciating the book, hehe. <3 
            i just have my final exams this week and school will be done this friday, so im a bit busy and a little writer’s block is bugging me, huhu. im still rewriting and editing the next chapter but soon enough i will publish it!! 
            thank u so much again and sorry for the wait but i will be back to publish soon enough!! 