To all my followers thank you so much for being patient with me as I update my books. Your support and kind words mean alot. Just keep in mind that my books get slowly updated because I put a lot of detail into my books. I don't want you just reading it, but also having my book put you in that chapter. Like you are living it. I know that sounds weird, but I like reading books that transport my mind into the book. Also I will be completing Liams Girlfriend in my next two chapters. I need to work on the other books that have a lot of chapters so my other books like Twin Delimma will be getting worked on after I complete Liams Girlfriend so there will be more mischief that Elle gets into. Until I complete it. Then I will update brother vs sister with more mischief that Heather and her side kick get into. Then belonging to someone find out if zayne marries Erika. Then last I will update my new book All I ever wanted. When Tristan meets his daughter Again thank you for supporting my writing.
@htrager hi i reported liam payne's girlfriend and now its gone. shouldnt have made a spanking book where a minor girl is being spanked by a obvious adult!