金日成 © kim jisoo
bisexual | passive | single.
(💌) "Why are we so shy with the person we like? It's supposed that if we like it we should be confident to talk to him as well as others, damn it! "

"💗" @pwarkk mi primer amiguito, me encanta, lo re amo, es una ternurita.
  • Дата регистрацииJune 15, 2018

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httkjs httkjs Jun 17, 2018 07:46PM
pucha..tener roles + 18 excita a user puta vida. 
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Истории от —see you later.
아기 소녀; BABYGIRL. от httkjs
아기 소녀; BABYGIRL.
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@pwarkk hecho para el y su usser espero que no mueran por mi fealdad.