
Please refer to the admin as Jax. My biological name. I'm sorry.


this message may be offensive
          Please come back. I miss you. You were my best friend. I thought you'd feel comfortable telling me everything. I know having psychosis is horrid and really fucks you up without medication but you seriously could've handled yourself better. You could've said that you wanted a break from social media, communication, etc. But you didn't. You broke up with the girl that you loved. You ended your friendship with me. It fucking burned. I never showed it to anyone but it's hard showing sleepless nights, worrying that you are off somewhere because you did something stupid. I miss you. I loved you. I wanted you to stay with me until the end. If you come back now, if you apologize, I will forgive you. I can't speak for Kira when I say that, but I don't care anymore.
          I fucking miss you and I can't take the pain and loneliness anymore! I want you to TALK. TO. ME. AGAIN. You made me feel so comforted whenever I was sad. I comforted you when you were sad and..  I'm sorry. I should've just approved of your relationship with Kira right off the bat because maybe your relationship would've lasted longer. I just... I just miss you, okay? But I'm not going to sit here and allow myself to cry over the situation. Just please...
          Come back.
          ~With love, your ex best friend Wynter


Okay. I'm working on it.


Well, you can include this in the apology to her. I don't regret not telling her, though, because I knew it'd effect you. But if you feel that it is time she'd knew... You need to apologize and tell.


I will. I will collect my apologies this minute. I just wanted to tell you that.. You know.. You knew I was already an FTM transgender, even my parents know that. I just have been feeling more like a girl again.. It's.. Weird.. I don't know if I wish to be a girl again or if I'm gender fluid but..
            I regret not telling Kira about my gender identity while we were together.  I feel like she would've trusted me more and maybe I wouldn't have felt so.. I dunno... Uncomfortable? I guess? 