
quick question, is it okay to change the covers of my book or stay it that way?


@httpkpop  gusto ko mabasa author yung WE USED TO :<


@httpkpop  still waiting on time for us:((


Author, I need to read that 3rd book. Msyado ako nasaktn sa We Used To, gusto ko na mging masaya.
          	  I like how ur mind works in your stories. Do you have breakdowns while writing? Kase I do while reading. D ko kaya. 
          	  also, i was wondering if that kind of love exist in real life? Its so freackin fckd up and sad, but then its so wonderful. 


Authornim! It’s me again and I am still waiting for you to comeback. I downloaded wattpad again and the first time that got in my mind is your comeback. I was hoping, but I got nothing. I hope you’re doing fine out there, authornim. 


@LiNi2614 huy me too, sarap ulitin ung we used to Niya, I feel like wla na ung author nito eh


Hi author, it's been a while, hope everything is going well with you and your loved ones. Just wanted to say hello and still staying strong waiting for your return and with all of your wonderful stories, even the deleted ones.  Looking forward to hearing from you soon.