Update 2!!
It has come to my own attention that as much as I practice my writings, there are still some things i want to fix about it. So i have made the decision to unpublish many of my books and re-write them up to my standards. I will be doing the most re-writing on my winter break since next week i still have exams and i am majorly falling behind in three of my most important classes that I need to pass so i don't get held back this year. So while I study for my two next exams, i will also be taking the time to unpublish my various books that are still up and completely start over from scratch. I apologize for the inconvience, I will try to be back and have this done as soon as possible, thank you all for taking the time to read my books, it actually means a lot to me. So, in the honor of all of you, I will work my hardest to put out the new improvised and re-edited books when I come back and hopefully they do well. Thank you all!