
guysss, i’m so sorry for completely abandoning this book, a LOT has been happening in my life these past 6 months and i’ve had no motivation to continue this book. i’ve been reading through the comments and everyone is saying to update but i’ve read through this book and i realised how bad it is, grammatically and the plot is just awful i don’t know what i was writing tbh it’s so cringey . anyway i’m sorry for disappearing for so long without saying but i need your help. 
          	Do I,
          	1) Delete/remove the book
          	2) Continue writing and just leave the plot as it is
          	or 3) Completely rewrite the whole book with the same plot but just better
          	i’ve been thinking about it and i really want to rewrite it but i need advice from you guys so please please reply to this and let me know what you think i should do 
          	but again i’m sorry for not updating and disappearing :)


@httpsatanic_ I think you should continue but it's up to you by the way sorry I know I'm late. 


@ httpsatanic_  Continue writing 


imo you should js continue! to me it was actually really good and interesting, im like attached to the characters and i miss them sm!! anyways i hope you’re ok, dont rush take your time. make sure you eat, drink and rest :)


guysss, i’m so sorry for completely abandoning this book, a LOT has been happening in my life these past 6 months and i’ve had no motivation to continue this book. i’ve been reading through the comments and everyone is saying to update but i’ve read through this book and i realised how bad it is, grammatically and the plot is just awful i don’t know what i was writing tbh it’s so cringey . anyway i’m sorry for disappearing for so long without saying but i need your help. 
          Do I,
          1) Delete/remove the book
          2) Continue writing and just leave the plot as it is
          or 3) Completely rewrite the whole book with the same plot but just better
          i’ve been thinking about it and i really want to rewrite it but i need advice from you guys so please please reply to this and let me know what you think i should do 
          but again i’m sorry for not updating and disappearing :)


@httpsatanic_ I think you should continue but it's up to you by the way sorry I know I'm late. 


@ httpsatanic_  Continue writing 


imo you should js continue! to me it was actually really good and interesting, im like attached to the characters and i miss them sm!! anyways i hope you’re ok, dont rush take your time. make sure you eat, drink and rest :)