You're probably wondering what type of name huffle is....
Well it's the nickname I got given by my amazing friends because I'm hufflepuff, 100% hufflepuff so huffle was born.
My favourite band is My Chemical Romance and I love them so much, they changed my outlook on life and I'm forever grateful.

My mind wonders a lot and I come out with random, weird and scary thoughts most of the time. And always there's one perossn who I can come to and they'll always help, they got me into writing and made me show people, everything I do on this is for her.

Thank you so much for being there
  • JoinedFebruary 20, 2017


Stories by huffle500
me and ma friend's useless messed up things by huffle500
me and ma friend's useless messed...
this is basically random things like songs or writing or conversations are poems or whatever the hell that re...
the black parade  by huffle500
the black parade
I'm really sorry if you find this useless of not, I just really feel like explaining it because it's not very...
Act of kindness for the day by huffle500
Act of kindness for the day
The Italian village of Alervira is a boring and lonely place to be in the summer, Roberto and Giovanni are be...