
Lol got this acc back again I need to quit using it but anyways may update my books again or just start a new one idk yet tho


Ok so it has come to my attention by someone who shall not be named for privacy reasons that some of yall think that I support j.k Rowling so I want to make it very clear, I do not support her I have no respect for her whatsoever because of the very transphobic stuff she has said, now on a unrelated note I will try to update more often on my purpose 


Ok so I may or may not write all of the harry potter books in order word for word on here for people who cannot there hands on the books of course all credit will go to j.k rowing (sorry if miss spelt) it will just be for potter heads that are either to lazy to buy the books or don't have the money let me know if you are interested and I may start it today idk yet but if I do I will have slower updates on my other books


Ok so I am putting my purpose off for now to write a very special book in honor of pride month! This book is actually going to have more than one main character and one of the main characters will actually be based off my sexualality which is asexual (surprise if you didn't know yet I had announced it on my insta but I don't think you guys seen it tho) if you guys want to you don't have to can you guys give me some ideas and also I will try to get this book done this  month so next month I can start up my purpose again but I also have summer school this month so idk yet
          Anyways have a great day
          Bye luvs