(it’s no problem! I just figured I’d tag in case you didn’t see c: )
Dolores gasped quietly, her eyebrows seeming to knit together slightly in displeasure at his question. “Deranged? Well, that’s quite rude. Things happen, you know...! But yes, that /was/ me. I’m not sure what happened, but I guess I’m not a doll anymore.” Maybe she shouldn’t exactly be telling that to people, but she figured it wouldn’t be too bad with him because they’d technically already met anyway! “Anyway, my name’s Dolores. I know it sounds really crazy, but it really is me. I’m not mad at you for what you said earlier, and it’s not like I’m gonna hurt you or anything like that, so please don’t look at me like that.” Dolores hoped that this wouldn’t shatter her chances of getting assistance to get back home... Well, it wasn’t really /her/ home, but she’s been taken there before in her doll form by a boy who does live there so she considers it ‘home’. “I need help getting to a certain academy, please.”