@hummingcricket not really :) nu, yes while "she" was busy 'moving' on, purrhaps ya were, and/or are? Still feline.. 'stuck'? Almost? :? But that just goes to show how much thought, time.. and committment? Ya put into ya guys' relationship, purrhaps she really did 'find herself', though with another, who says you can't do just the same? Who's to say you're not 'good enough' for anyone, *anymore*? It just means that yes, it may take some time, but once *you* start to feline good again, boff about ya self, as well as any future relationships ya may want/have? Then ya'll be that much more stronger :P "Stay strong, make them wonder how ya still smiling" - a quote.. from somewhere off Google xD heh, only 'slightly' modified (*ya = you lol)