Starships, were meant to fly
Hands up⬆️and touch the skyCan't stop❌ 'cause we're so high Let's do this one 1️⃣more time
thisone✨isfor♀️the boyswiththe booming system top tenacwiththecoolest system whenhecomeupin the club he be☘️blazinup got stackson deck like he savinup
Stan Nicki Minaj, Nicki lewinsky, Nicki the ninja, Nicki the boss, Nicki the harajuku BarbieRoman and Onika
can i get that tron cant i get that remmy can i get coke can i get that henny can i get that margarita on the rock rock rocks
roger that over copiana benihana to✊ katana✨ i been a Donna he screamin my government o-onika tanya