
this message may be offensive
          	I’m kidding you’re not bitches you’re lovely fucking people who for some reason follow me and I am forever grateful yet pleasantly confused since I’m not that cool but I mean you do you. 
          	Can happily say I’m in a much better place mentally and sorry for taking such a long break! Planning on sticking around and getting back into my writing. I do apologise if I’m still a bit slow with updates, please  with me! 
          	Love ya x


@hunnapop I'm glad your better now and are back into writing! Your well being comes first and I will always be here no matter how long it takes. Love ya too!


Hey, sorry to bother you, but I wanted to ask if you plan on finishing your books? They are both great stories and I really enjoyed reading them. I put them in my library, but I  only plan to keep them there, if there is a chance on some updates (otherwise it's just frustrating). If you plan on finishing I will wait - it doesn't matter how long it takes ❤️
          Lots of Love ❤️


Thanks so much for your support ❤️ I definitely do still have the intention of finishing them and I frequently think about it but it has been a bit tough for me. I don’t think I’ll be able to quit after the time and effort I put in them and hope I can get back to it soon. Thanks for your patience and understanding 


Hey, hope you're doing good. Don't feel pressured to update if you're not up to it. We all miss you but we want you to be safe and happy. :) 


Hey thanks so much it means so much to me ❤️❤️ I still put pressure on myself to get back into writing and upload again but I’m finding it difficult. That being said I still have the intention to finish it someday I’m just not sure when that will be :(
            But thank you for your love and patience and understanding. Really means a lot ❤️


What happened to her?


I won’t get into the boring details but I’ve been struggling with mental health for over a decade and am still working through it. Life has also gotten in the way so I haven’t been able to get back into my writing sadly. But I still plan to someday, I just don’t know when that may be and I’m so sorry for that. I understand it must be frustrating, but I really appreciate your patience and understanding ❤️ 
            Hope you are well and safe. 


I don’t think I could ever fully give up on it because I’ve put so much time and effort into it. Starting things is so much easier than finishing them.
            That being said I still plan on finishing it but just not sure when :( but I really appreciate your support and your patience. I completely understand how frustrating this is for my readers. 
            Stay safe ❤️


Oml when will you update? Your book is amazing gurl....keep up the amazing writing. I absolutely loved it!


Im so so sorry I haven’t been able to update. Things have been difficult and it’s hard for me to write but that being said I still want to finish my books someday. Just not sure when that might be :( 
            I’m sorry for keeping you all waiting I know it’s hard for you guys, I really appreciate all your support and your patience ❤️❤️


YALL NEED TO RELAX DAMN  sum of y’all are being real toxic by saying what y’all guys are saying.  She’ll update when she wants. Updating isn’t a priority. You don’t know what she’s going through outside of wattpad. LEMME TELL YALL, I AM NOT HERE FOR IT! COME FOR ME ion even care but I swear y’all need to calm your selves 


Thanks guys I really appreciate your understanding and patience, I know how frustrating it must be for all of you. @theBeautifulOddss - I’m sorry I can’t accomodate your needs but if it’s causing so much stress for you I would highly recommend seeking professional help and trying to understand where your anger is really coming from. People who have pent up resentment will let it out on anyone they can find if there’s a minor inconvenience for them so it seems to me you might be going through some stuff and for that I am truly sorry and I hope you’re able to work through it and come out on the better side. That being said, I have to prioritise what is right for my own health and unfortunately I cannot write lately because of that. I do have the intention of finishing my books someday and I think about it almost daily. But life gets in the way and so I just don’t know when I will be able to get back into writing. 
            You can easily delete mine from your library and find other completed books on Wattpad. 
            I hope you’re all safe and well and thank you again for all your support and love, it means a lot to me ❤️


@urbumcrackerlacker I was complaining about this book months ago and yall keep on bringing it up. Chile you straight up musty, and thanks for giving me views on my book sweetie  Youre so pressed. 


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@theBeautifulOddss BROOOOO stfu honestly. Yeah she could’ve done that too. But does it look like she had the time to do that. You’re pressed cos I’m speaking fax. Dumbass bitch. You’re the only one who sounds stupid here. I don’t understand readers like you who get mad when stories don’t get updated. Like people have lives to live just like you.  Stay mad bitch ass! 


Am tired of waiting for this story to update am just going to delete it am tired of seeing it and can't read it.


I’m so so sorry I haven’t been able to update I completely understand how frustrating it is for you guys. Things have been tough and it’s been difficult for me to write but I do plan on finishing my books someday but I just don’t know when that will be :( 
            I understand if you want to delete it because I would lose my patience as well. 
            I’m sorry again and I appreciate your support and understanding ❤️ 
            Stay safe. 