
so some things came up and I DON'T have a chapter fully ready for you guys yet. In return for all this, I will give you two in the upcoming week. I shall make time for it!!


Hey I was just wondering why you deleted the rest of "The Man of my...Showers?!" it was really good and I was hoping to read it again after god knows how long ago I've read it (all I can say is that I was checking almost everyday fo an update of this story and I stuck it out till the end) And now nearly all of this amazing story is gone!!! Please put it back up so everyone can read it again. :)


IM SORRY AGAIN! One month being gone.. but a lot has been happening with everything. I'll try to get a chapter out to you guys this weekend and I'll get back to reading stories in the next week :)! I hope you guys had a spectacular christmas and new year!!


My god, guess who just spent her entire day reading Last Sacrifice? I totally killed my day, and noe I just feel urrrghhhh because I finished the whole vampire academy story and even though I like knowing the ending it's still like urggghh because ITS FINISHED! I admit even though the story was brilliant... I wasn't too into it (maybe lack of romance?) and the final twist didn't seem so... twisty :S I think I've read TOO many books that I'm getting over the whole twists thing and expecting the unexpected (I had a scenario before I started reading the book that maybe the janitor was actually some evil villian in disguise). But I'm excited about the spin-off series - I'm strongly hoping it's either going to be sydney's story or Adrian's. I'm just betting it will be one of them two :O
          I'd laugh if I was wrong on both counts
          Anyway, I'll get to reading stories and writing again later tonight/tomorrow :) 


I emailed you a little something =) I don't know why, but it would send like the first ten times I hit the button, so hopefully you didn't get a shit load of emails lol. T-moms is great. It was the very first story I read on Wattpad and why I made an account in the first place. Hence the reason you're first on my "I'm a fan of..." list =P Ahh... and plotting. I get so bored of it, give up and just write the story. Sometimes I'll go back and finish it, but it's not really my style haha...